Monthly Archives: November 2021

Staff Spotlight: Mr. Strayer

If you’ve taken band or bells in high school or even participated in 5th-grade band, you will already know Mr. Strayer. He’s worked at Bellevue for a whopping 31 years as assistant band director. He spent one year at Margaretta High School before coming here.

Mr. Strayer has been involved with music since his sixth-grade year. He says he always knew that he either was going into music or math, and jokes that because he wasn’t quite good enough at math, so music it was. He explains that the part he enjoys most about being a music teacher is seeing students have “ah-hah” moments, where they start to really understand and be able to apply musical concepts. For him, another big part of teaching is seeing his students grow up into young adults, from just being 5th graders and beginners in the world of music.

When asked what he thinks students gain most from music and music classes, Mr. Strayer answered, “Learning how to overcome challenges and obstacles”. He explains that in the band there tends to be more engagement in music from the students, and it’s nice to have a creative environment with the Band Director Mr. Meadows, who used to be his student. While in Bells, it’s satisfying to see fast progress, and cooperation from his students, who haven’t been playing nearly as long as the average band student.

At the end of the day, his life isn’t all about band and music. One of Mr. Strayer’s hobbies include giant pumpkin growing, with squash that can reach 270 pounds. He enjoys growing things in general as he owns a garden, and has 20 variants of fruit trees. He also enjoys bowling with other former band directors and frequently brags about his high scores.

So if you didn’t know him before, be sure to say hi, and if you knew him before, ask him how big his pumpkins got this year, he’ll be happy to tell you.

By: Garrett Adkins

#gored #redpride #goodvibrations

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Student Spotlight: Faustino Miranda

Faustino Miranda, a Senior at BHS, is one of the most clear-thinking and future-focused students you will meet. Miranda also attends EHOVE for the Firefighter and EMT program. He truly enjoys his schooling and does see a serious future in this field. He shared, “When I was first accepted into EHOVE I felt secure as if I was in a program that benefits the rest of my life.”

Miranda has enlisted with the US Army and will be attending basic training once he graduates in May. He believes that this will make him stronger in a physical and mental manner. Miranda shared that although he is excited to attend basic training, “I cannot live without my family. They have always supported and motivated me to be the best version of myself.” He explained how he will always miss his family and friends but, most importantly, he will miss his cat.

After basic training, he plans on returning to his hometown of Bellevue and getting a job at the Bellevue Fire Department as a firefighter. Here, he will be able to combine his training at EHOVE with the skills he will gain in the Army to better serve our community.

Whenever Miranda is not at school, he can be found working with his father at Miranda’s Landscaping and Snow Removal or being with his friends making as many memories as possible, including Friday Night Lights and at other school events.

We wish Tino Miranda the best of luck as he finishes this school year and in his future journey.

By: Ben Frey

#gored #redpride #ehove #goarmy

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Staff Spotlight: Ms.Kozak

Meet Ms. Kozak: Bellevue High School’s Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, STEAM, and CCP Biology teacher since 2012. Working here for 9 years, Ms. Kozak is fulfilling her dream of becoming a teacher that she’s had since kindergarten. Science was always her favorite subject in school. Although she considered teaching geology, science felt more natural because of her love for the outdoors and nature. Her favorite part of teaching is when her students have “ah-ha” moments.

Ms. Kozak is from Ravenna, Ohio. She graduated from high school in 2003. Ms. Kozak attended college at Ashland University, Montana State University, Bowling Green State University, and Wright State University. She has 2 bachelor’s degrees, 2 full master’s degrees, and half of another master’s degree. She previously taught at Mapleton High School in Ashland, Ohio.

Her biggest motivation is herself and her family; she is also motivated by competition. When asked what she enjoys doing out of school, she said, “hiking, napping, playing sports, more napping, reading, working out, traveling with my husband Jeremy, my dogs, going to school, and learning.” She is a new plant mom and has two labs, Gus and Eva.

We can’t wait to celebrate another year here at Bellevue High School with Ms.Kozak. If you see her in the halls, be sure you say “hello”!

By: Cloe Patrick

#gored #redpride #lifelonglearner #sciencerules

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