Student Spotlight: Rachel Stokes

Rachel Stokes is a headstrong, creative, and smart Senior here at BHS. She’s a member of the band, Academic Challenge, Engineering Club, and Spanish Club. In the band, she was a section leader for the trombones, and for the Academic Challenge team, Stokes was co-captain. Stokes is also in the AP Art class while juggling all these clubs.

Stokes’ interest in art is because of encouragement from teachers in the middle school, specifically Mrs. Cochran. As the only student in AP art this year, Stokes worked her hardest to be a role model for those who might be interested in the class in the future. She shared, “AP art is the hardest class but it forces you to grow.” Stokes has many other classes that she deals with efficiently, but with AP Art, it is more challenging which she appreciates because it betters herself as an artist.

For Stokes’ choice of topic this year, she says her portfolio was based on religion. “The difficulties of religion to me is why it was my choice of topic.” Stokes’s favorite piece of art that she painted was of a barn, which she called Home Sweet Home. The barn is a painting that is very personal to Stokes from an everlasting memory. She thought using the photo of the barn to transform it into a beautiful painting was a huge success that she will always remember. Stokes believes painting to be her favorite thing to do when it comes to art. For her, painting is one of her most talented skills. She thought it was funny when Mrs.Woodard put her on a painting ban because she painted so much.

Outside of school life, Stokes likes hanging out with friends and being able to sleep. She plans on going to Ohio State University to study chemical engineering. She’s thinking of becoming an art conservator, “It’ll be challenging but hopefully I’ll be able to make it come true.” We wish Ms. Stokes continued success with her artwork and future academic endeavors.

By: Lucy Sholes

#gored #redpride #art

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