Category Archives: Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Rachel Stokes

Rachel Stokes is a headstrong, creative, and smart Senior here at BHS. She’s a member of the band, Academic Challenge, Engineering Club, and Spanish Club. In the band, she was a section leader for the trombones, and for the Academic Challenge team, Stokes was co-captain. Stokes is also in the AP Art class while juggling all these clubs.

Stokes’ interest in art is because of encouragement from teachers in the middle school, specifically Mrs. Cochran. As the only student in AP art this year, Stokes worked her hardest to be a role model for those who might be interested in the class in the future. She shared, “AP art is the hardest class but it forces you to grow.” Stokes has many other classes that she deals with efficiently, but with AP Art, it is more challenging which she appreciates because it betters herself as an artist.

For Stokes’ choice of topic this year, she says her portfolio was based on religion. “The difficulties of religion to me is why it was my choice of topic.” Stokes’s favorite piece of art that she painted was of a barn, which she called Home Sweet Home. The barn is a painting that is very personal to Stokes from an everlasting memory. She thought using the photo of the barn to transform it into a beautiful painting was a huge success that she will always remember. Stokes believes painting to be her favorite thing to do when it comes to art. For her, painting is one of her most talented skills. She thought it was funny when Mrs.Woodard put her on a painting ban because she painted so much.

Outside of school life, Stokes likes hanging out with friends and being able to sleep. She plans on going to Ohio State University to study chemical engineering. She’s thinking of becoming an art conservator, “It’ll be challenging but hopefully I’ll be able to make it come true.” We wish Ms. Stokes continued success with her artwork and future academic endeavors.

By: Lucy Sholes

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Student Spotlight: Micah Sweeney

Micah Sweeney, a freshman at Bellevue High School, is a national-level powerlifter. He began this journey back in 2020 after having a severe case of COVID. He had lost about 20-30 pounds and was hospitalized for a while. Because of the weight loss, he was very skinny. He and his dad had tried going to the gym to put a little extra weight back on. Sweeney said it was working a little bit and eventually he started going as a routine. He has now been working out consistently for about 4 years.

From there, Sweeney began competing in powerlifting competitions and found success. When asked what some of his top inspirations were, he shared that his number one inspiration above all else is God, saying, “I would be nothing without him.” His second inspiration is his father stating that he is the one person that pushes him to his limits and always keeps him going.

As a competitor, Sweeney weighs 143 lbs. and can deadlift 303 lbs., bench press 175 lbs., and squat 275 lbs. This is really incredible for his age and weight. To keep his body in peak shape to lift these amounts, Sweeney tries to eat anything with a lot of calories and consumes around 150+ grams of protein daily. He does take supplements like creatine which helps the muscles absorb more water and become more full and does not use pre-workout for his lifts. Sweeney has won four first-place medals and one second-place medal. Sweeney qualified for this year’s nationals; however, he suffered an injury to his knee and could not perform the squat lift. Sweeney shared that while he could make a career out of powerlifting if he wanted to; for now, it is more of a hobby.

As Sweeney continues to heal from his knee injury, he shared that he believes God is cheering him on and with him through every step he takes. He also will work harder every day because he knows can push through anything and reach any goal that he puts his mind to.

We wish Micah Sweeney a speedy recovery and the best of luck and continued success on his powerlifting journey!

By: Andrew Dull

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Senior Spotlight Tyler Ray

Tyler Ray is an outstanding Senior at Bellevue High School, known for his friendly demeanor and his outgoing personality. The last two years, Tyler has been the Point Guard and a captain of the Boys Basketball team. He started his basketball career at a very young age and his tremendous dedication was clear to all around him. Since then, his work ethic and his love for the game has only grown fonder. Ray started Varsity as a Freshman, and has never looked back since. He has become one of the team’s star players, putting up consistently elite numbers every game.

When asked what his most memorable moment was, Ray responded, “Just taking the court for the first time.” He loves every time he steps on the floor, stating that, “It’s a surreal moment” each and every time. Ray’s motivation for the sport is to be the best that he possibly can, he states, “I find my motivation by setting goals for myself and doing whatever I possibly can to achieve them, no matter what.” As far as his High School career coming to end soon, he feels like he has “had the experience that I wanted” going on to explain that he “has had a blast at BHS and I’m going to miss it.”

Other than sports, Tyler is an Honor Roll student every quarter and has also been part of the College Credit Plus Program (CCP), since he was a Sophomore. Ray also plays Baseball and Football for the High School. He plans to attend a big college to further his education and athletic career. Outside of school, Tyler enjoys hanging out with his friends, working out, and of course, working on his basketball game. Ray also works as a landscaper and he also does various home improvement projects for the community.

We congratulate Tyler Ray on all of the time he has put into his Academic and Athletic careers, as well as the accomplishments and success that have come with that time. We wish Tyler Ray all the best with his future endeavors!

By: Sam Hosang

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Senior Spotlight: Dominique Weisz

Dominique Weisz is a humble, hardworking, and cheerful Senior at BHS. She’s a positive role model for her peers inside and outside of the classroom. Weisz is the treasurer of Key Club, a member of RESIST, Student Council, and Red Reign, where she assists with producing Red Reign’s Twitter account. Weisz is also a part of the RSVP. She was excited to be a part of it last year, after years of not having the club. Weisz has had success in helping RSVP come back to life. She states, “it felt so good to be a part of that and I can’t wait to make it even better this year.” Her involvement within Red Reign has given her the opportunity to plan fun themes for sporting events and pep rallies. One of her most memorable events was the neon theme night. This was so memorable to her because of her pure hearted friends being there to help support the school. Weisz’s enthusiasm doesn’t stop there!

Outside of the classroom, Weisz’s love for sports began as she learned how to play basketball in second grade. Her love for basketball grew tremendously over the years as her hard work and dedication was admired by others. Weisz dressed varsity during her sophomore year and is currently the only senior varsity captain on the Lady Red basketball team. When Weisz is not on the court, she can be found running with the Redmen Cross Country Team. Her proudest memory of her years spent at BHS is placing 3rd in the Tiffin Carnival for cross country. She states, “it was an awesome feeling crossing the line knowing I was third out of 100+ girls.” Weisz later learned she had also beat her personal best time by a minute “which made me even more happy. It was a great feeling.” She will become a three sport athlete as she has participated in basketball, cross country, and plans to join the Lady Red track and field team in the spring. Her passion for sports has influenced her future as she plans to attend college and play basketball. Weisz would like to attend a college located near a city as shopping is her second passion.

We wish Dominique Weisz the best of luck in your future endeavors!

By: Kade Pierce

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Student Spotlight: Claire Turner

Claire Turner is a proud senior at BHS known for her positive and outgoing personality. This year Turner is a captain of the varsity volleyball team. She started her volleyball career when she was only in second grade, and since then her love for the sport has grown tremendously. There is no doubt that Turner was a star coming into high school. She started varsity as a freshman, and has always shown a lot of dedication toward this sport making each one of her games worth watching.

Turner’s most memorable moment during her senior season was the game against Tiffin; she says, “the energy was really good. I had 14 kills that game and hit the 10-foot line twice. The game was close in all sets and we came out with the win at the end.” As her volleyball career ends, she says, “It’s bittersweet.” Turner views her teammates as family, and “it’s crazy that it’s all coming to an end so fast.” It will be hard for Turner but she’s ready to start a “new life” and focus on her future. She has had an amazing career overall, and she is thankful for everyone who has supported her over the years.

Claire Turner was voted this year’s Homecoming Queen. Turner says, “It was such an exciting moment to get recognized by the community and to be liked by so many of my classmates. It also shows how much I’ve impacted other people’s lives. It’s not just your school choosing you, it’s how they cheer for you when you’re coming down that field along with the other people in the crowd. To get recognized like that was a dream come true.”

Outside of school and sports, Turner enjoys hanging out with friends, going to the beach, and getting ice cream “of course.” Turner is known as a hard worker. Currently, she works at the Willows as a dietary aid and does landscaping. In the summer, she saves lives while working as a lifeguard at the Mil’Lympic Pool, and in December she volunteers at The First United Methodist Church with Operation Christmas Child. Her plans after high school consists of going into the EHOVE Adult Ed program for massage therapy. After receiving her certification, she hopes to work in a chiropractic office or a salon.

We congratulate Claire Turner for her time and dedication throughout the years and wish her the best of luck with her future plans!

By: Marisa Ortiz

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Student Spotlight: Jax LaPata

On Friday nights under the lights, there’s a name that you’ll hear more than once as there is nothing Jax LaPata can’t do; he is dotting up his receivers, he’s rumbling, bumbling, and stumbling into the endzone, and laying the wood on defense. LaPata is an important member of the current 6-3 Bellevue Redmen football team, but his love for football began long before this year. LaPata, a junior, who plays football and baseball at BHS, shares how he first began playing football. “I grew up watching football, and didn’t really start to play until seventh grade. I just really enjoyed it. The physicality of it and having fun with my friends.”

At the start of the year LaPata was the team’s running back and one of two starting outside linebackers. Due to some injuries on the team, LaPata took the challenge head on and accepted the role of being the team’s middle linebacker on defense and quarterback on offense. LaPata shared he knew it was likely he was going to switch positions for this year; “At times I kinda had a little hunch of doing it, but didn’t really think it would be a full time job but here we are.”

With LaPata at quarterback, he likes to keep the defense on their toes. He spreads the ball around to all of his wide receivers, but he is not afraid to tuck and run it himself. He steps into the pocket and delivers the ball to where only his guy can catch it. He will never shy away from contact when the ball is in his hands as well. LaPata currently leads the team in tackles on defense with 58 and an interception heading into week 9. Then on the offensive side Lapata is standing out as well, throwing for over 1,110 yards and 6 touchdowns, then 933 rushing yards and 12 touchdowns himself; LaPata also has 25 receiving yards and a touchdown reception, putting him at 14 touchdowns so far this season prior to the win against Sandusky.

LaPata shared how it feels to be out under the lights on Friday night, and with a smile, he said, “It’s great. We got a lot of great athletes that are really great guys who bring the energy every night. That feeling is unmatched.” LaPata is looking forward to the playoffs with this team and helping in any way.

We wish LaPata and the rest of the Red Machine the best of luck at their last regular season game Friday night against our rivales the Clyde Flyers. A win against the Flyers would clinch a home playoff game on October 28th. We hope everyone comes out to support the Bellevue Red football team.

By: Drew Schaffer

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Photos courtesy of and Mr. Ochenduski

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Student Spotlight: Evan Straub

Evan Straub, a senior at BHS, is often known for his outgoing and positive personality, but underneath that, is a hardworking and dedicated individual. He says his passion and strength comes from his family.

Straub is a member of the varsity football and wrestling teams. He was voted by his teammates to be one of the football captains during the fall. A standout on the defensive line, Straub earned numerous honors including All-SBC, All-Northwest District, and All-Ohio. One of his favorite football memories includes his freshman year when he blocked a punt then picked it up and scored. He said, “it was the first time ever running and touching the ball in a game.”

Straub’s success continued into his wrestling season. He was also chosen to be a captain of the wrestling team. He won the sectional title and district title at the 215 weight class as well as becoming a state qualifier. He felt that the wrestling coaches truly served as his mentors and he is thankful for their support. Straub shared that wrestling “really developed my toughness as an athlete.”

When asked what his passions were, Straub quietly said, “I’m passionate about the sports I play. I feel I am a strong leader in the classroom and on the fields and the mats, but my greatest strength is my toughness. No matter how hard anything is for me, I’ll find a way to fight it or persevere through it.”

Straub said that his family, especially his parents and sister, are the main motivators and supporters in his life. Everything he does is for them. His dad’s friend, Jimmy Powers, also provided support this past wrestling season as his drill partner during practice and was in the stands for multiple matches. Along with that, he shared that Bellevue High School and the community are very supportive and are always behind him and his teammates. He feels that this is something that makes Bellevue unique and special.

Outside of school, Straub enjoys fishing. It is his favorite thing to do. In his spare time over the summer, he works for Stanley Steamers cleaning carpets. Straub’s future goals are to attend college to pursue a degree in cybersecurity while also continuing his wrestling career.

We congratulate Evan Straub on the success he has achieved this year and wish him continued success in the future.

By: Will Hager

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Student Spotlight: Jaja

Bellevue High School is proud to have enrolled two foreign exchange students for the 2021-2022 school year. Rungnapha Buntongauri, better known as Jaja, is one of the foreign exchange students here at BHS. Jaja arrived from Thailand on August 13th, 2021. Jaja lives with Junior BHS student Hope Alda, along with her parents, Holly and Rugen Alda.

Jaja, a senior, is enrolled in Algebra II as well as English II here at Bellevue High School. She says that Algebra II is easy, but does find English II to be more difficult. Jaja speaks three languages fluently. She speaks Tai, Chinese, and English. Jaja says the hardest part of learning English is understanding grammar and pronunciation. When asked how long she had been speaking English, Jaja responded with an answer that may shock any native speaker. Jaja has only been speaking English for two years before arriving in America. Academically, life is less stressful for Jaja. When asked what school was like for her at home, she explained that the school was much larger than Bellevue and that she would spend seven hours a day at school, and then several more hours at home doing homework.

The differences between the USA and Thailand are far and wide. Jaja said her favorite thing about living here is her parents/hosts. Jaja says that she is given the freedom to do far more here than she was at home, explaining that overseas parents are far more strict. Jaja says one thing she dislikes about American high school students is that everyone yells. Jaja says that the food back at home is way spicier than American food. Her favorite American food is, ironically, Mexican Pizza. Jaja enjoys Cedar Point. When asked what a big shock was, Jaja said “Everyone has a boyfriend, it’s really shocking for me, like in school, we don’t do that in my culture.” Jaja says that she is enjoying her experience in America.

Overall Jaja has enjoyed her American experience so far and says that she wishes to return to America later in life.

By: Noah Krupp

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Student Spotlight: Myra Little

Myra Litte is a proud senior of the twenty twenty-two graduating class. While attending high school, Little has participated in the Bellevue Band program since fifth grade. She enjoys being active in the band in any way possible. In her first year in high school, she learned a solo after school for weeks. She used the solo piece for the Solo and Ensemble competition where she received a two rating. Along with that accomplishment, she also participated in pep band throughout the course of her high school career. During Little’s sophomore year, she was in the jazz band. In the jazz band, she learned many pieces of music and performed at a festival with other schools.

While also being a part of the band and working, Little also was a member of the Student Council her freshman and sophomore year. Her role in leadership in the Student Council encouraged her to go for section leader in the band her senior year. Outside of school, Little has worked at Miller’s Drive-In, which she stated is “pretty fun.”

After high school Little plans to attend the University of Toledo to continue her education majoring in environmental science. Going to school with Little for twelve years, I have gotten to know her more and want to congratulate her on all her accomplishments throughout her high school years. Good luck to you Little and best wishes for what the future holds.

By: Bobbie Riedy-Cantu

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Student Spotlight: Amber Bowering

Amber Bowering can be described as one of the most optimistic, inspirational, and outgoing students that you could ever come across. She is widely known for her involvement in Band as the trombone section leader, Drama Club as President, RSVP, FFA as President, Yearbook Club, & Class Council as President.

After high school, she will be attending Muskingum University. She plans to major in psychology and minor in biology. After obtaining her Bachelor’s, she plans to continue her studies in a genetic counselor program.

The things she takes the most pride in include public speaking, agriculture, renewable energy, and agronomy, as well as creative writing. She is also currently working as a daycare worker during the week and babysitting on weekends.

Her favorite class at BHS is Mrs. Mercer’s 1120. She says, “I feel most at myself in her class and love the freedom I have on my research project.” Her other favorite class would have to be Band. She says, “I love the students in the class, and I will truly miss the freshmen when the band splits.”

What she will miss most about high school will be the relationships that she built with some of her teachers over the last four years including Mrs. Mercer, Miss Kozak, & Mr. Heckelman.

We wish the best of luck to Amber Bowering after high school and her aspirational plans for the future.

By: Melody Chaffin

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